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Will my digital footprint really last a lifetime?

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

Your digital footprint is everything in the digital world that is about you. (Media Literacy Council, 2018). In this day and age, it is clear that technology is a vital aspect of our lives and without it seems as though our days are incomplete. The 4-digit passcodes placed on mobile phones provide security and many feel safe believing nobody can access their phones. The reality is that every step they take virtually, is unwillingly stored for a lifetime. Even though millions of saved data do not directly impact an individual it can affect their personal image in the future as many employers are freely accessing stored data to draw conclusions on future employees. ‘Our online profiles have become a digital resume — anyone can google your name or check out your social media accounts, including potential employers, universities and others’ (eSafetycommissioner, 2015). So how can one manage their digital footprint?

The first step to managing our digital footprint is to google ourselves. It is evident that we may locate things from years ago that we do not even remember. Once again reinforcing the fact that digital footprints last a lifetime and could be easily accessible by anybody and everybody. Additionally, just like the concept of, ‘think before you act’ that has been imbedded into us since our childhood, we must also think before we act virtually. Remember, a potential employer may not know that you’ve liked a page or uploaded a photo as a joke or understand its wider context. As the saying goes, if in doubt, don’t post it (eSafetycommissioner, 2015)!

Besides the effects of digitals footprints effect on our lives we must also grow to monitor the newer generations footprints as, “Many colleges look at (a student’s) social media behaviour before accepting them to school.” (Smith 2018). Smith refers to digital footprints placed on children via accessing the internet as ‘digital tattoos’ and highlights the great impacts it could possibly have on their future. It is important that schools implement aspects of digitality to their curriculums to form educated students who produce strong outlooks and provided with protection in a world where their every step is stored. Additionally, it is as important that children are monitored at home to help keep their footprints clean. Providing them support to set an example for their future rather than setting themselves up for failure due to the negative image they have produced.

Overall, we must question what we do before we act both virtually and in reality, protecting our image and identity. Ultimately, acquiring knowledge to protect both ourselves and our future generations to positively form our digital footsteps.

-Zaid Bayraktar


Clark, M. D., & Smith, S. (2018, October 19). Students warned of ‘digital tattoos’ that can ruin futures. Journal News.

Digital Footprints. (2018, September 12). Media Literacy Council.

Your Digital Footprint. (2015). eSafetycommissioner

Your Digital Reputation. (2015). eSafetycommissioner

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